Tulungagung, 13 October 2024 – UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung (UIN ONE) recently received a benchmarking visit from representatives of private campuses in the city of Blitar, namely STIT Al Muslihuun Tlogo Blitar and Nahdlatul Ulama University Blitar. The visit took place on the date 10 October 2024 This aims to share knowledge and experience in preparation for UIN SATU Higher Education Accreditation.

The group from the STIT Al Muslihuun Tlogo Blitar campus and Nahdlatul Ulama University Blitar led by the Vice Chancellor and Head of Institution as well as a number of lecturers and administrative staff were warmly welcomed by the Deputy Chancellor I (Prof. Dr. Badruzzaman Century, Lc. M.Ag.) and Chair of LPM UIN SATU (Prof. Dr. Agus Zaenul Fitri, M.Pd.) as well as several other university officials. The Chairman in his speech said that “activities benchmarking It is important to do this as an initial strategy to see best practices for success in achieving superior accreditation, because this has been done by UIN SATU Tulungagung. Then Vice Chancellor 1 in his speech, Prof. Abad conveyed the importance of collaboration between institutions in improving the quality of higher education in Indonesia. After UIN SATU has Superior status, Our next step is to develop a new program, namely Recognition of Past Learning (RPL). This RPL could be one solution when our student graph is down. So high school students or those who have work experience can take this program.


Don't forget the visiting campus leaders also gave their speeches. Welcome speech by the Vice Chancellor 2 UNU Blitar (Yaoma Tertibi, M.H.). In his speech, He said that "We would like to thank you very much for the learning opportunity given to us. We hope to implement some of the good practices we learned here for the development of our university.” Furthermore, The chairman of STIT said, "On behalf of the leadership, I would like to say thank you very much for the banquet and for the activities which are full of benefits and blessings for us., "We ask for a little time and knowledge for the sustainability of STIT Al Muslihuun.", he said.

After opening, The activity continued with the presentation of material by the Chair of the LPM and discussions between the two parties. During the visit, The two parties had in-depth discussions on various aspects, including curriculum management, study program development, as well as strategies for improving research quality. Besides that, STIT Al Muslihuun Tlogo Blitar and Nahdlatul Ulama University Blitar also had the opportunity to see firsthand the facilities at UIN SATU, like a laboratory, library, and research center.

With this activity, UIN SATU continues to be committed to contributing to improving the quality of higher education in Indonesia through collaboration and benchmarking with various institutions.